Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Who Are You Now? Mad Hatter, Grey Matter Winter Talk Series

 Mad Hatter, Grey Matter Winter Talk Series 2015/16

The Mad Hatter, Grey Matter Winter Series takes the format of talks and presentations by a panel of experts and researchers from across the UK crossing the boundaries of psychology, neuroscience, creativity & human development.
The Winter Series acts as a year round, audience development sibling to the fabulous Mad Hatter, Grey Matter Festival – a festival that encourages curiosity and creativity in all ages – founded in the summer of 2014 and takes place early July
The Mad Hatter, Grey Matter Winter Series will take place in the beautiful and historic Ballroom of Cambo House across October - March
The Winter Series 2014/15 was delivered by some of Scotland’s most animated and engaging experts and researchers and got fantastic feedback from visitors.
For 2015/16 we are extremely excited and delighted to be offering a fascinating and rich programme that will pair a Scotland based expert with a complimentary research presentation from an expert / researcher working in another part of the UK.

Thursday 26th November 2015, 6.30-8pm

Who Are You Now?

Ben Graham is Project Manager of Who Are You Now?, a project run by Headway East London, a charity that supports survivors of brain injury from across the north and east of London.
Ben will be joined by one of the project’s narrators. They will tell the story of who they were before their injury, how they came to have their injury, and the impact it has had on their life. They will describe what they have learned about the brain structures involved in memory and forgetting, and about how disabilities caused by brain injury can change a person's sense of self as well as many significant things about the way they live. They will also talk about the emotional impact of injury, and what the narrator has learned about life through surviving this challenging experience.

Dr Grant Mair, an Academic Neuroradiologist working for both the University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian, will then take the evening into the realm of brain imaging.

Grant will take us through how, why and when the brain is imaged with illustrative examples of what modern medical imaging can tell us (and what it can’t) and how this information can benefit patients (and their families) with brain injury or other disorders of the central nervous system.  

 FREE EVENT Advance booking required Call 01333 450054

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